Optimize Your YouTube Social Media Marketing Campaign for Maximum Traffic For Your Site

One of the Best Social Media Marketing Strategies one can implement, is to get targeted traffic from YouTube.
Here are a few things to consider when using YouTube in your marketing strategy.
1) Add Keywords to Your Video Title
By adding relevant keywords to the beginning of your video title you actually assist search engine spiders to find your video and rank it higher in search engines. Remember when someone searches in YouTube for a video they are entering keywords and having your keywords in the beginning of the title helps.
You do this for your website pages then why not for your video campaigns ? Same principle applies.
2) Add a Reason to watch the Video in the Title Image
Think about it, if the image you see is not appealing would you yourself click to watch the video? Probably not. So why not make the image appealing, to make the person want to click on the video to see what it is about.
What you can do is use Windows Movie Maker ( imovie for Mac owners ) which is free with windows XP and add an appealing Image at the beginning and at the end of the video, enticing them to wanna see the video.
3) Add an Informative Description for your video along with Contact Info
You already have a great image and you can take it further. Add relevant description for the video letting viewers know what the video is about and how they can benefit by watching it. People need a stimulus and you need to provide it to them.
You may also want to provide a URL and an Email for people to be able to contact you in case they want to. Always make it easy for viewers to reach you.
4) Add a Reason to Visit your Site at the end of the video
Now that they’ve watched your video and liked the information you had to share, don’t leave them hanging. Entice them with a reason to visit your site for even more information. Add your site URL preferably a deep link to the relevant page letting them know how to reach your site. Whats better is if they hear you speak your reason to visit your site spelling out the site URl helps !
Dont just ask them to visit your site for more information, give them a reason to visit your site. Clarify what other information they can get at your site. If you can add a free offer.

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