Pictures are good ...right?

    My morning has been spent looking at websites as usual, but one thing I noticed is that a lot of sites have too many images or they are poorly optimized (if at all) for displaying on the web. This, as I have posted before, reduces the performance of the site making it load slower. This, in turn, causes potential customers to bounce. This is not good for business, nor the customer!

    Another flaw that I have seen is the website that is basically a Photoshoped image that has been exported as HTML and called a page. This may look great and exactly how you want the site to appear, but it is basically a ghost to the search engines. This is a HUGE problem, because as I posted earlier 85-90% of your traffic will come from a search engine. So, if the search engine cannot see information on your site, you automatically loose 85-90% of your potential customers. Having said this, there are ways that you can make the site more friendly to search engines, but the best way is to reduce the image to a minimum and use text where possible and CSS for design. The most important part being your contact information and a description of what you do.

   If you find yourself in this predicament don't panic, SEO! The basics of SEO will only help you, but will not be enough on their own. These basics include complete meta-tags and compelling content. Now, if this is Greek to you, hire a web developer (not designer) to complete these tasks for you. Once you have the information, the process is very quick and straight forward. Any good web developer will know the questions to ask you and know what content is needed to complete a basic SEO once looking at your site.
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