Website Secrets Revealed Part 5

5. 85-90% of the traffic that comes to your site will be from search engines. Sites like Google, Yahoo, Ask Jeeves, etc will index your site (if you tell them it exists) and allow users to find you. With this in mind, why not make it easier for the search engines to index your site?

Some will say that Keywords are dead, but that is not entirely true. Keyword usage is part of the overall ranking system that makes up you search engine score. The big thing here is using relevant keywords to the page; do not stuff irrelevant keywords into the Meta tags (some search engines are said to dock you points if you stuff). Each page should have its own relevant set of meta tags that are optimized for that set of information.

The most commonly overlooked tag is the title, do not forget that the title tag will be the wording for the link on the search engine. Do not simply use titles like ‘home’, or ‘products’ instead use ‘Next step computers – Take your business the next step, Quality Web Design ~ Affordable Pricing’ or ‘Next Step Computers - Take Your Business the Next Step, website design packages’ . Here I have used our tag line in the title.

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